Theatre Of Visions
Stefan Brecht
Not Available
Engineers Of The Imagination
Baz Kershaw
Theatre Of Erwin Piscator
John Willett
Stanislavski: His Life and Art
Jean Benedetti
Is Comrade Bulgakov Dead?
Anatoly Smelyansky
There Are No Secrets
Peter Brook
Living Theatre
John Tytell
Woza Shakespeare
Greg Doran
Edward Emeritus Professor and 2 more
Peter Brook: Threads of Time
Between Two Silences
Grinning At The Edge
Paul Allen
Present Indicative
Noël Coward
Remembering Arthur Miller
Christopher University of East Anglia and 1 more
The Worst It Can Be Is a Disaster
Braham Murray
Dario Fo
Tony University of Technology Sydney and 1 more
David Mamet: A Life in the Theatre
Ira B University of British Columbia and 1 more
The Craft of Theatre: Seminars and Discussions in Brechtian Theatre
Ekkehard Schall
John Gielgud: Matinee Idol to Movie Star
Jonathan Croall
Stephen Joseph: Theatre Pioneer and Provocateur
Paul Elsam
The Lives of Lucian Freud. Fame 1968-2011
William Feaver
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